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Prayer for Focus in Spiritual Battles

Prayer for Focus in Spiritual Battles Psalm 36:5-12; Psalm 38:1-6; Ephesians 6; Hebrews 12:28-29 Father God,    I come before you in prayer ...

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Open Hands

I cannot serve with hands grasping tight,
Clenched behind my back to keep hold of
What I want, what I think I need, deserve, desire
Dross and broken dreams, ash and dust, useless
But mine, undeniably

Empty hands I would be of use to you
To soothe and rescue, to feed and defend
And so I would find my empty hands soul-filled
With grace and hope and love, spread with peace
Treasure, undeniable

Open my hands, my God, I hold them before you
Relax these stubborn fingers from my hold
Take these broken dreams
Take this pain, this doubt, this fear
These tears of self-made sorrow

Empty my hands, my King, I raise them to you
Fill them with grace
Not to be grasped, squeezed, owned
And so distorted and destroyed
But to be held loose and given free


Thanks for reading!