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Prayer for Focus in Spiritual Battles

Prayer for Focus in Spiritual Battles Psalm 36:5-12; Psalm 38:1-6; Ephesians 6; Hebrews 12:28-29 Father God,    I come before you in prayer ...

Monday, January 6, 2014


What is enough? Coming directly after the holiday season this may be a little difficult to answer. Well, who am I kidding? It's always difficult to answer, isn't it? It's always hard to decide how much is just enough and not too much, trying to balance a life of comfort with moderation, if you even want to bother with that sort of thing.

Enough means different things for different people. Enough for people in America is undoubtedly different than the enough of people in, say, Africa. We buy filters for tap water because it's not pure enough. A majority of people in the world don't have water that's actually safe to drink. So enough differs based on what you're used to, where you grew up, how much you're used to having. Or does it?

I recently came across a Hebrew word that I've absolutely fallen in love with. It's dayenu (דַּיֵּנוּ ), which means, roughly but beautifully translated "it would have been enough for us". 

So, as the new year begins, I ask myself what would have been enough? Ransom from darkness and death? Eternal, faithful love? Certainly those seem to fit the bill. On top of these, I also find myself enjoying clean drinking water, a job where I get paid for the work I do, life in a country where women are allowed to vote and drive, clean clothes, hot water, good food. Sometimes it's hard to see that none of those things even register on the scale of "enough" because it's already been topped out. I have so much more than enough. Why do I ever think I need more? I'm not saying it's bad to have things, or even to like purified water. But those should not be the things we are relying on to be enough for us, to make us happy or safe or content. Even if I lose everything that I can lose, including hot water (which would probably be the worst struggle to be honest), I would still have more than enough. More than I would ever have thought to ask for on my own. And realizing that, I can be content...at least, until my brain distracts me again with trivial nonsense.

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 


  1. Well said Aimee - great insights

  2. "I have so much more than enough. Why do I ever think I need more?" What great words to ponder today. I, too, love the things I have, but I do find myself wanting more and more to just focus on what I have - not what I want - and now I will start to see those things I have as enough. I am loved and cherished by the One True GOD - that truly is enough!! Thank you for the encouragement today!

  3. This highlights much of my own recent pondering--well said


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