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Prayer for Focus in Spiritual Battles

Prayer for Focus in Spiritual Battles Psalm 36:5-12; Psalm 38:1-6; Ephesians 6; Hebrews 12:28-29 Father God,    I come before you in prayer ...

Friday, July 12, 2024

Hold the Line

Ephesians 6:10-18

Not much discussion is given to the war that we are currently in. The enemy has done a fantastic job of distraction, smoke and mirrors redirecting our gaze and our aim to whatever inflammatory topic is currently at the top of the news.

This is why we need to see this world for what it is…a battlefied. So when the battles come, as they will, we are able to recognize them for what they are, and for what they are NOT. They are NOT simply choices to do what is right or what is wrong in a moment. They are not capable of being won by flesh and blood and argument and law, but only by the power of the spirit. They are pitched battles for each and every soul. They are set up by an enemy who knows he cannot win and wants to take down everyone that he can before his final show.

I often forget myself that I am not a civilian, and I am in this war for my soul as an active combatant. I am not a side character standing around and making unimportant conversation. What I do matters here and now and for eternity. And if I am not standing firm on God’s truth, then I am falling away and losing the battle.

God grant me the strength to see what I am facing and to recognize attacks for what they are. When I think of what the stakes are, who I am, where I am standing, whose side I am one, it makes it so much easier to deflect the attacks of the one who wants to destroy me by turning to the one who created me.

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