Women, from childhood, desire to be loved. We want to be treasured and defended. We want to be fought for. We want to be pursued.
This is important because the longing to be loved drives so many of the choices we as women make, and if we are not absolutely grounded in this area, it can entirely wreck our lives.
The world has so many ways to deceive us on this. It tells women that we don't need to be loved. That we can be strong and independent and self-sufficient and that is after all so much safer than putting our heart out there to get trampled. But this idea can't hold on all the time, because, let's face it, we as women are never in the same mood for very long no matter how very hard we try.
The world is prepared for this. So when we realize the loneliness in independence, it says that the only way to be entirely safe is to maintain complete control. Every ad and glamour magazine entices to use our beauty and sex appeal to control the men around us. As if lust were a fitting substitute for love.
And then, just for fun, when both of the first options have failed to deliver that life-long security that we were hoping for, the world adds the last dash to this deadly recipe by assuring us that we aren't worth being loved anyway. The only way to get someone to love us is to earn it. We get hurt, used and trample, and swing back around to option number one, swearing that we don't need anyone anyway.
No where in this sick cycle is there a hint of hope or true love. But the more desperate we get, the faster we run through each option. There are so many pitfalls along the way it's amazing any of us ever get out alive.
The Truth is this: No one can be strong and self-sufficient forever; manipulation leads to pain; and we are, every one of us, worth being loved. We are valuable. We are treasures.
You can never make anyone love you. It doesn't matter how clever or pretty you are, but you don't have to.
Whether you are fourteen or eighty-four, here is the most important piece of life-saving information that I can ever give:
You are loved.
You don't have to earn it from anyone. You don't have to protect yourself from it. You don't have to dress or act a certain way. You are loved, for who you are, unconditionally and forever.
Fairytales are full of men, usually princes---apparently, there used to be an abundance of them---accomplishing impossible tasks for the hand of a princess. Because, as we all are well aware, action proves love far more than any words could ever do. You, my dear, are that princess.
Let me tell you your story.
Once upon a time, there was a great king who ruled over all the land. Although the king was good and kind and absolutely just, the land was cursed with rebels who did as they pleased and treated the citizens of the kingdom with disdain. The prince of the kingdom, who was as good and kind as his father, fell in love with a girl in the kingdom. The rebels, hearing this news, were greatly disturbed and determined to destroy the girl in order to hurt the prince and overthrow the kingdom. As in all good fairytales, the prince did the impossible. He broke through the houses of the rebels and defeated death itself to keep it from stealing his love away. Then he returned triumphant to his father's house with his bride at his side.
If this sounds like your kind of fairytale, if you're tired of trying to earn someone's love or attention, if you're heartbroken and exhausted, there is hope.
Because Jesus Christ defeated death for you, and he wants to bring you home to his father. If you are looking to fall in love, fall in love with him. You will never regret it.
Because you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you
Isaiah 43:4